Her Place

Her place was in a four-walled room called kitchen 

Broken dishes were the order of the day

She had mastered the scents of the various nail breaking dish washing liquids she struggled with
every time she tried to scrub the dirt away

In this kitchen

She was brought down to the level of a dishwasher

Her competition being dishwashing liquids, sponges, water levels and sometimes she had to unblock mini drainages

In this kitchen she was just a chef

A master of recipes

Knowledgeable spice expert

Doctor of greasy areas

Floor scrubber

It was a full time job she could barely stay sober

Her opinions landed on kitchen counters

Her musical performances on pots and pans 

Her creativity lowered to only determining the amount of salt and spices

Because in this kitchen her position was belittled 

Value depreciated


Under rated

Future denigrated

Whoever gave her the deeds

To this place needs

To wake up to reality and realise that this was not her place 

Somebody needed to see to it that this issue was addressed 

Although a shallow minded man went ahead and named the kitchen her place

With pleasure she struggled to maintain sanity

In the place since she valued her priceless contribution

They could not see beyond the chores

Because this place meant magical happy meals to not only satiate hunger but to raise even a generation 

You see her intentions were miscalculated

Her abilities even worse no-one put her into consideration

Still they, they thought she belonged not in a boardroom

Her specialty was cookery who said documentation lived in the same room?

You see her place was not at home

Battling crumbs

Nursing period flows and wiping blood off floors 

Her place was not a home practicing selective hearing

Or being the Chief In administering first aid passing a band aid

to who needed it first

It was always a crusade

Her place was not to co-parent an adult whose parents

Had failed to teach real life lessons or beneficial mannerisms on how to co-exist

This one they handed to her and called him husband 

Her place was not to seduce

Or in any way arouse or satisfy the sexual appetite of another human

To stay enslaved and answer morning glory calls or stand accused of the outcomes or reactions of the penis

Her place was not in a fellowship of women who taught her traditional scripture

Behaviourism or home management systems 

Which were never approved in universities because they were just common myths and beliefs

Her place was not as a sex symbol

Bed warmer  

Stress reliever or a horny man’s entertainer 

Her body was not a museum of attractive statues for show

Because she carried inter connected parts

And at the end of the day inside of her there lived a heart

So yes sometimes she fought the wrong battles 

Fought to keep her presence subtle

So they pretended not to understand 

It was the best they could do as they could not stand

Her power

Her finesse

Her authority or her grace

Her ability to keep calm when it was raining rocks

Her ability to think through and foresee situations which was no joke  

Her ability to multitask

Handle Child birth and come back fast

They feared bringing her into the boardroom as they couldn’t understand someone who could overthink

Someone who could battle a ship right at the verge of a sink

And her biggest mistake was to fight for equality 

It defined stupidity

As women had already attained an unbeatable level of a superiority 

Her place? 

Her place was on pedestal

A million feet up on a throne of stone 

So without feeling like an object pardon her as she gracefully reigns in an era

Where women aren’t tools but are people too

She is just unstoppable

She unbeatable

And oh as unadmittable as it seems

She is queen

And her place

Her place is on top. 


[Courtesy of the author]

Link to the Italian translation


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