
AfroWomenPoetry was born in 2017 in Ghana.

AWP’s first event took place in April 2018 in Padova (Italy) at a conference/reading at Sala Paladin in Palazzo Moroni, in collaboration with the Culture Commission and the associations Arising Africans and Prisma & Convivio.

September 2018 – happening in Abidjan (Ivory Coast) with AWP’s Ivorian poets and slameuses.

February 2019 – AWP is the protagonist of the event Gender, Migration and Transnational Poetics organized by the Languages, Literatures and Cultures Department (LILEL in Italian) of Bologna University (Italy).

February 2019 – conference/show titled “Women’s poetry in changing Africa” at Amilcar Cabral library in Bologna (Italy).

October 2019 – project presentation at the Civil Poetry International Festival in Vercelli (Italy).

October 2019 – eventAfroWomenPoetry: the voices of African women” in Cuneo (Italy) in collaboration with the association “1000Miglia”.

October 2022 – participation at “Màt, Mental Health Week” in Modena (Italy) in cooperation with the project “Parole in folle”

February 2023 – slam contest for young people on the issue of mental distress in Lomé (Togo) in cooperation with the project “Parole in folle

June 2023 – conference/show “Travelling in verse and music in the changing Africa” at Palazzo Paternò in Caserta (Italy) in collaboration with the Club Inner Wheel Capua Antica e Nova Caserta

October 2023 – Conference at Padova University (Italy) entitled “Parole in folle. Poetry as therapy” in collaboration with the Linguistic and Literature Studies Department of Padova University within the project “One Global Voice”

October 2023 – Show at Auditorium Centro Altinate San Gaetano in Padova (Italy) with artists (poetry, slam poetry and spoken word) from different Sub-Saharan African countries. Within the project “OneGlobalVoice”.

October 2023 – Show at “Cantieri Meticci”’s “Spazio Met” in Bologna (Italy) with artists (poetry, slam poetry and spoken word) from different Sub-Saharan African countries. Within the project “One Global Voice”.

October 2023 – Lifetime Achievement Prize awarded by the Civil Poetry Internationl Festival to AWP’s Ugandan poet Susan Kiguli. First African person to be awarded with the prize.

October 2023 – “Terre che piangonocollection of poems by Susan Kiguli translated into Italian published by Interlinea (first one published in Italy).

 Articles, videos, radio programmes

Cri d’alarmevideo made by Alternative StoryLab for AWP

 2017 – Participation to a Radio Citi 97.5 programme in Accra, Ghana

2018 – Participation to a Radio Lomé (Togo) programme in Lomé, Togo

2018 – Participation to a Radio Pyramide programme in Lomé, Togo

2018 – Article on Impagine: Poetry is female: AfroWomenPoetry

2018 – Article on Promosaik: AfroWomePoetry, the female universe in the changing Africa

2019 – Article on Africa Rivista: AfroWomenPoetry, women’s life in verse

2019 – Article on AGI: AfroWomenPoetry, a journey in the pink heart of the Black Continent – A project about women’s condition in Africa. Through poetry

2019 – Participation to a Radio Cooperativa programme in Padova (Italy)

2019 – Article on NP Sermig: Portraits of African women, make way for the poets

2020 – Article on Atlas of Transitions: Women Poetry, revealing unspoken struggles

2022 – Interview by  Radio Popolare

2023 – Article on All Women Magazine: The verses of women’s poets from Africa, sharp and change-driving

2023 – Articles on several local newspapers about October’s events in Padova and Bologna (Italy)

2023 – Interview by Radio Cooperativa (Padova, Italy)

2023 – Interview by Psicoradio (Bologna, Italy)

2023 – Interview by Radio Sherwood (Padova, Italy)

2023 – Intervista by Avvenire to AWP’s Ugandan poet Susan Kiguli

2023 – Article on Robinson di Repubblica about Susan Kiguli’s newly published poetry collection in Italy

2023 – Interviews and services on Ugandan poet Susan Kiguli on the news section of Milan Università Cattolica, Rai Regione Lombardia, Rai Regione Piemonte

2023 – Articles on Ugandan poet Susan Kiguli on various local newspapers

April 2024 – Video/interview: “The poetry of African women“, as part of “Dialogues on Africa 2024″ events organized by Africa Rivista 

April 2024 – Participation in the event “La via dei librai” – book and reading festival (Palermo, Italy)

May 2024 – Article on Treccani magazine, title: Weeping Lands, by Susan Kiguli: the necessity of the word, the resistance of the body, the poetry of mothers

June 2024 – Participation in the presentation day of the Institute for Italy-Africa Dialogue at the Institute of the Italian Encyclopedia in Rome (Treccani Cultura Foundation), full video of the event (intervention by Antonella Sinopoli on AWP from minute 2h59’30”)